How (not) to make Strategic Plan: Jurassic Park Style

How (not) to make Strategic Plan: Jurassic Park Style

In their recent presentation, “Jurassic Strategy: What Not to Do When Choosing Goals, KPIs, and Benchmarks,” Susan and Emily used the fictional story of Jurassic Park to explore how choosing poor strategic goals, KPIs, and benchmarks can make an institution ineffective (or fill it with escaped, blood-thirsty, prehistoric reptiles, as the case may be.)

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20 Motivational Quotes for a Productive Spring
Motivation, Change, Current Events The EduCred Services Team Motivation, Change, Current Events The EduCred Services Team

20 Motivational Quotes for a Productive Spring

Whether we’re talking yardwork, spring cleaning, or finally tackling that one project forever lingering on the to-do list, we can all use a little motivation. To that end, we thought we’d share a sampling of some of our favorite productivity quotes. This list offers a little bit of everything –after all, you never know how inspiration will strike!

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A Grape Resiliency
Resilience, Adaptability, Change, Chicago, Higher Education Susan Chiaramonte Resilience, Adaptability, Change, Chicago, Higher Education Susan Chiaramonte

A Grape Resiliency

A big part of students’ success depends on how well they connect with faculty and their peers, but it also hinges on having an environment where there is freedom to make mistakes, form opinions, and engage in debate without judgment. Sometimes breaking with tradition means that we thoughtfully set the table for the students, not the other way around.

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Generative AI Will Be Exactly as Scary as Higher Education Makes It

Generative AI Will Be Exactly as Scary as Higher Education Makes It

I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but AI isn’t going anywhere. Adapting to this technology will require learning something new. It will require rethinking how we teach writing. It will require revisiting plagiarism policies. But it’s worth it. Chat GPT is an opportunity for your department/institution to be early adopters. Don’t be the last school still using carrier pigeons.

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