Breaking the Mold: Higher Education Lessons from the Video Game Industry
The gaming industry's slow shift to include women mirrors a larger problem of innovation stagnation. When an industry remains in its comfort zone, it misses out on engaging new demographics and reaping the benefits of a more inclusive market. This situation is not unique to gaming; higher education exhibits similar tendencies.

Innovation or Obsolescence: Blackberry Lessons for Higher Ed
In the fast-paced world of technology, few stories are as intriguing as the rise and fall of Blackberry. Once hailed as an icon of innovation, Blackberry's journey from success to decline offers invaluable lessons, not just for business but also for higher education.

Generative AI Will Be Exactly as Scary as Higher Education Makes It
I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but AI isn’t going anywhere. Adapting to this technology will require learning something new. It will require rethinking how we teach writing. It will require revisiting plagiarism policies. But it’s worth it. Chat GPT is an opportunity for your department/institution to be early adopters. Don’t be the last school still using carrier pigeons.

Cookie Lessons for Higher Education
Much like everything else, the Oreo cookie has had to reinvent itself over the years to continue its appeal to the masses in an ever-changing marketplace. Being “America’s Best Loved Cookie” just isn’t good enough. Now it’s higher education’s turn to learn the Oreo lessons.

Simple Lessons In Affordability
The world is shifting. The funding once available to higher education is diminishing. The student population is changing. Higher education is tasked with developing a quality, low-cost option. In the end, the biggest impact is made when everyone receives opportunities to live their life well.

Now Serving: Handcrafted Education
Starbucks understood that if it delivered a consistent experience, a solution to the morning grind, that consumers would respond. Higher education needs to understand that if it delivers thoughtful, consistent, quality education that meets students’ needs it will produce the next generation of innovators.