Avoiding Accreditation Scaries
Halloween, Fall, Autumn, Accreditation, Higher Education Susan Chiaramonte Halloween, Fall, Autumn, Accreditation, Higher Education Susan Chiaramonte

Avoiding Accreditation Scaries

Remember, accreditation is here to make you better, not to give you nightmares. Plan, persevere, and maybe throw in a horror movie marathon to remind yourself that, even when a case of the accreditation scaries sets in, there still aren’t any clowns around—things could always be worse.

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Trick or Treat: Transfer Credits
Current Events, Halloween Susan Chiaramonte Current Events, Halloween Susan Chiaramonte

Trick or Treat: Transfer Credits

Putting students first is more than just a fun catch phrase that is integrated into institutional effectiveness and strategic planning efforts. It is an opportunity to re-evaluate current processes and procedures that can make a big difference without tapping into limited financial resources. Institutions need to work with students to proactively identify those courses that can be applied to their program of study and avoid requiring students to take courses that contain content they have already mastered.

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