Better Together Retainer

Licensure and accreditation are not one-and-done activities. State agencies and accrediting organizations expect your self-study efforts to be ongoing and become more robust as your institution grows.

We get it—once the big push for accreditation or licensure is over, it's easy to return to business as usual, but we don't want your renewal cycle to sneak up on you. Procrastination is not your friend.

How We Help

We’ll help make sure your organization’s hard work isn’t erased and that all best practices stay top of mind. We created our retainer model after watching many institutions struggle as they started to prepare for their renewal cycles. We’re here to ensure that your institution effectively manages it all it all, including:

Project and Documentation Tracking: We break down compliance requirements into manageable steps. We then work with you to set timelines and project parameters for scheduling required meetings, compiling reports, analyzing data, and collecting documentation. Each required item will be logged, formatted, and stored, so that when you need them, they’re ready to go.

Strategic Planning: We schedule recurring monthly meetings where you can ask us anything. Need to discuss new program development, marketing strategies, admissions questions, strategic initiatives, annual reports, or the best restaurants in your city? We’ve got you. We can help you manage your ambitious ideas and help you stay on track.

Institutional Effectiveness Evaluation: We provide a framework that can guide your efforts in monitoring and measuring all operational efficiencies. Once you have implemented your ambitious ideas, you need to monitor them to determine if they are producing the desired results. This is where a practical institutional effectiveness plan becomes your best friend. We schedule meetings to review your mission and identify all operational areas before identifying goals, key performance indicators, and benchmarks that provide the most meaningful data for your institution.

Updates on Trends and Regulations within Higher Education: The world is rapidly changing, and we’ll make sure you know about industry changes that might affect you. Changes in state licensure regulations, updates to accreditor requirements or templates, and other news in the Higher Education space—we stay on top of all of it, and we make sure you do, too through curated news emails.

External Perspective on Institutional Mission and Identity: As we work with you on your institution’s ongoing compliance, we can help give you an external view on your branding. Is your mission still relevant? Are you conveying the identity that you want to? These are important questions that can be difficult to answer from the inside. We’ve spent over 10 years working with all kinds of higher education organizations, and we know an authentic mission when we see it. We’ll help you make sure your institution is presenting a unique, consistent, and recognizable mission that sets you apart from the crowd.

Priority Support on Substantive Changes and Annual Reports: Since we’re already helping you maintain your best practices and compliance efforts; substantive changes and annual reports are no sweat! We’ll help you assemble any extra documentation and narratives required to meet your goals and timelines.

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