A Grape Resiliency
Resilience, Adaptability, Change, Chicago, Higher Education Susan Chiaramonte Resilience, Adaptability, Change, Chicago, Higher Education Susan Chiaramonte

A Grape Resiliency

A big part of students’ success depends on how well they connect with faculty and their peers, but it also hinges on having an environment where there is freedom to make mistakes, form opinions, and engage in debate without judgment. Sometimes breaking with tradition means that we thoughtfully set the table for the students, not the other way around.

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Generative AI Will Be Exactly as Scary as Higher Education Makes It

Generative AI Will Be Exactly as Scary as Higher Education Makes It

I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but AI isn’t going anywhere. Adapting to this technology will require learning something new. It will require rethinking how we teach writing. It will require revisiting plagiarism policies. But it’s worth it. Chat GPT is an opportunity for your department/institution to be early adopters. Don’t be the last school still using carrier pigeons.

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3 Reasons Your Higher Ed Institution Needs a Teach-Out Plan
Emily Haworth Emily Haworth

3 Reasons Your Higher Ed Institution Needs a Teach-Out Plan

Much like reviewing your will before having a baby, or hanging lifeboats on the side of a luxurious ocean liner before its inaugural voyage, dealing with a teach-out plan confirms our worst fears to us—that something can and might go wrong. But, as anyone who’s ever needed a lifeboat will tell you, just because it’s uncomfortable doesn’t mean you should skip it.

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Demystifying Goals, KPIs, and Benchmarks

Demystifying Goals, KPIs, and Benchmarks

We see a lot of institutions struggle with differentiating between their goals, their KPIs (key performance indicators), and their benchmarks (achievement measures). This confusion is understandable because, although we all intuitively use and blend these concepts in our daily lives, we are rarely forced to separate, categorize, and define them by their specific purposes.

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Why General Education Credits Matter
general education, history, higher education Emily Haworth general education, history, higher education Emily Haworth

Why General Education Credits Matter

When a society is built on a population with a well-rounded education, everybody wins. We all win when choices are being made by people who understand how to interpret data; express complex ideas effectively; think critically and contextually; and create logical, actionable plans. You owe it to your fellow citizens to be one of those people.

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