Higher Ed Lessons From a Fried Chicken Empire
Susan Chiaramonte Susan Chiaramonte

Higher Ed Lessons From a Fried Chicken Empire

Discover how higher education can learn from Popeyes' successful rebranding. From leveraging data to embracing collaboration, these strategies can help institutions adapt and thrive in a changing educational landscape.

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5 Essential Tips for Crafting Effective Mission Statements in Higher Ed

5 Essential Tips for Crafting Effective Mission Statements in Higher Ed

Don’t say “great” if you mean “remarkable;” don’t use “succeed” if you mean “thrive.” I wish there was a nicer way to say it, but there isn’t, so: don’t be boring.

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 4 Secrets to Maximizing the Impact of Your Mission Statement

4 Secrets to Maximizing the Impact of Your Mission Statement

A wise man once said, “If you try to go in every direction, you’ll end up nowhere.” That man was my neighbor Carl, and he was explaining that I was mowing my lawn like an moron, but his prudent words apply to missions and landscaping alike.

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Results of Disunity
Community, Adaptability, Current Events, Kindness Susan Chiaramonte Community, Adaptability, Current Events, Kindness Susan Chiaramonte

Results of Disunity

We have survived a virus that required isolation only to now face another dangerous and growing threat—the idea that the good of one is more important than the well-being of the whole. We have a problem when we stop seeing each other as people—with similar hopes and dreams—and instead only see each other as strangers.

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To the Class of 2022
graduation, Higher Education, Current Events The EduCred Services Team graduation, Higher Education, Current Events The EduCred Services Team

To the Class of 2022

Each graduating class steps out into a slightly different world than did the class preceding them. This is, of course, only natural—as Heraclitus famously said, “change is the only constant in life”—but even so, the class of 2022 has had to persevere through some unique difficulties. In light of that, the EduCred Services Team wanted to, first, congratulate the tenacious class of 2022, and second, offer some pieces of advice that we wish someone had shared with us.

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