To the Class of 2023
Instead of being the 99th person to tell you to “pursue your passion in life” today, I’d like to be the 1st person to suggest a few specific things. These are the things I wish someone would have told me when I graduated. So, I’m paying it forward to you, dear Class of 2023.

To the Class of 2022
Each graduating class steps out into a slightly different world than did the class preceding them. This is, of course, only natural—as Heraclitus famously said, “change is the only constant in life”—but even so, the class of 2022 has had to persevere through some unique difficulties. In light of that, the EduCred Services Team wanted to, first, congratulate the tenacious class of 2022, and second, offer some pieces of advice that we wish someone had shared with us.

For the Graduates...You Choose
All graduates will continue on a path of their choosing and change the world in their own way. That path may not resemble what they had imagined, but it is no less significant. Regardless of the obstacles that lie ahead, remember, you choose.