Your Website's First Impression is Critical for Success: How To Make It Count
His resume makes him seem like the perfect fit for your institution on paper, but when he arrives for his meeting with the President and the Dean, he is dressed only in a tie-dyed tank top and diamond-encrusted short-shorts. Do you hire him? Or do you, maybe, infer a little bit about the book based on the cover?

Taking Talent For Granted
While day-to-day operations can get in the way, leaders must foster habits that identify and protect their greatest assets: people. An organization’s talent will not always voice their concerns or share their disappointment in being taken for granted. It is up to the leaders to develop these three habits that will prevent them from losing focus on their most valuable assets.

Communication: Jazz-Style
One of the characteristics of jazz, that is too often missing in daily conversations, is mutual respect in the exchange of ideas. Instead of really listening to another point of view, we too quickly form an opinion and respond carelessly. We allow time, deadlines, and stress to place limits on our interactions with other people.