Community: A Challenge Worth Undertaking
Higher education institutions shouldn’t just offer communities, they should be communities that allow their members to focus on, reach for, and achieve their goals in an open and collaborative environment.

Embracing Failure: A Key to Success in Higher Education
Successful organizations do not plan for failure, of course, but they expect it to (infrequently, hopefully) occur. When failure does happen, successful organizations study it, not to place blame, but to inform better decisions next time. If you truly want to succeed, there must always be a next time.

Goodbye, Resolutions; Hello, Houseplants!
We have all experienced unimaginable challenges these past two years and no one yet knows how the stress from these past couple of years will affect our lives, but we do know that it will show its effects. In times of uncertainty, we must remember that the human spirit is strong. We are resilient. In the middle of constant stress, like the snake plant, we can find a way to flower.

Four More “Elf” Life Lessons
Four things Buddy the Elf teaches us about work, life, and the importance of putting maple syrup on everything.

Profile of a Master Planner: Genghis Khan
What do Genghis Khan and Higher Ed have in common? More than you might think. Both rely (or should) heavily on effective, measurable planning, and the ability to leverage your strengths when resources are tight.

Thanksgiving: Meditations on Turkey and Tolerance
After spending an unusually extended time away from family and friends, there are bound to be some hiccups when we all get together again. To help prepare for any potential awkwardness, consider the following…