In Your Control
We see successful businesses and attribute their success to one overnight innovation. The truth, however, is while the innovation lit the spark, their commitment to discipline in delivering a quality, reliable product that consistently meets consumer needs is what keeps the flame burning.
Human Leadership
Human leadership is about putting people first. Making the needs of individuals more important than the organization knowing that once people feel secure, they will put the needs of the organization first. In one word, human leadership is loyalty. Loyalty is not one-sided. Loyalty requires participation. Whether in organizations or in government positions, we cannot expect understanding if we are unwilling to understand. We cannot emphasize the needs of some when we ignore the needs of others.
Only in America
Only in America can an annual hot dog eating contest remind us that we all are shaped by our experiences and our success is defined by how we treat others.
Ripple Effect
Higher education offers people a foundation to foster thoughts and ideas that can inspire change in the world. So as we look at the issues facing higher education, we need to ask what little pebble did we toss into the water to create the tidal wave we face today.
Pathways for Dreams
We need to provide education that does not favor one discipline over another. We do not need nurses whose real passion is theater. We do not need business managers whose real passion is painting. We need institutions that see past the conformity of the industrial approach to embrace an educational model that encourages the pursuit of passion.
Farm to Desk Education
The generation of students entering higher education bring with them various world views, backgrounds, and dreams that require adapting to their learning styles and meeting them where they are in life. The resources are changing. Education can be more accessible in a variety of different ways thanks to advancements in technology. The challenge is integrating these resources into learning models that best serve students’ needs.