An iPhone Education
Apple accomplished this revolution without apology or permission. They understood their purpose, focused their passion, and met the needs of its consumers. Today, we face the same opportunity to revolutionize higher education. We just need to apply some proven principles.
Disrupting the Environment
The word disruption can cause fear and paralysis. We think that something bad is going to follow. What disruption really does is challenges the status quo. It can create pathways for opportunities.
You Can't Measure Heart
Let’s pay attention to trends, use predictive analytics, embrace big data, but never forget the focus is on students first.
3 Lessons Higher Ed Can Learn from Airline Travel Delays
We are selling students short when we only focus on job or training knowledge. Employers continue to say it time and again, we need critical thinkers, problem solvers, and team members. We need to prepare the whole student for the future and not just produce the next employee.
Everything to Everybody
Higher education institutions often focus on trying to be everything to everybody. Many institutions have shifted to a big box store mentally in an effort to increase and retain students by offering a little bit of everything rather than focusing on their strengths. Students need educational options that best meet their personal and professional needs.