The Power of Hope
As we gather around to celebrate our individual beliefs, we should take time to consider our hopes for tomorrow, the new year, and future generations.
The Ghosts of Higher Education
Not everyone in higher education holds the clout necessary to make decisions that could instantly change and improve the U.S. education system, but change doesn’t have to start big Sometimes it’s as simple as serving students well, removing unnecessary barriers, offering quality educational options, or getting involved in national and state policy-making efforts.
Through the Lens
The premise behind higher education was to create opportunities for individuals to pursue knowledge as an investment in our country and its citizens. It was an opportunity for a younger generation to learn from previous generations while contributing new thoughts, ideas, and perspectives. As the world continues to evolve, higher education has been slow to keep up with the needs and demands of a changing generation.
Thankful for the Sides
It is only when these problems cease to exist that the world becomes stagnate. It is the challenges, obstacles, and desire to improve that drive individuals to participate in an environment which fosters innovation and in turn creates a brighter future.
Taking Talent For Granted
While day-to-day operations can get in the way, leaders must foster habits that identify and protect their greatest assets: people. An organization’s talent will not always voice their concerns or share their disappointment in being taken for granted. It is up to the leaders to develop these three habits that will prevent them from losing focus on their most valuable assets.
A Dent in the Universe
If the vision of higher education is to change the lives of individuals through the education of future generations, then pathways need to present unobstructed options for students to achieve their academic goals.