Beyond the Emerald City: Essential Skills and General Education Matter in Higher Education

Beyond the Emerald City: Essential Skills and General Education Matter in Higher Education

Today's students might not need to fly on a broomstick or lead an army of flying monkeys, but they do need to navigate complex work environments, solve unpredictable challenges, and collaborate with people from all walks of life. A well-rounded education doesn’t just prepare students for a single job; it equips them with the broader skills they’ll need to apply their expertise in meaningful ways.

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What Should Student Success Outcomes Mean to Us?
Higher Education, Outcomes Assessment Susan Chiaramonte Higher Education, Outcomes Assessment Susan Chiaramonte

What Should Student Success Outcomes Mean to Us?

I will be one of the first ones to tell you that student outcomes matter, but with an increasingly narrow focus on them, is higher education missing the bigger picture in defining graduates’ success? Based on the 27/73% split in the statistic above and how institutions are required to report outcomes, I am not a “success”.

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A Failure on Metrics
Inspiration Susan Chiaramonte Inspiration Susan Chiaramonte

A Failure on Metrics

When we only look to numbers to define value, we miss how success should truly be measured. Higher education has a unique opportunity. It takes only one institution to understand that students are people. People who need support, encouragement, and just one chance to enter an educational institution without the fear of failure or crushing debt.

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The One About Higher Education
Current Events Susan Chiaramonte Current Events Susan Chiaramonte

The One About Higher Education

It is a fact that an educated society is better than an uneducated society. As humans, we have to work to overcome our faults. We have to look past the numbers and see the people. We have to scale the obstacles and see the opportunities. We have to avoid roadblocks and create paths toward progress. We have to dispel negativity and gently nudge people forward.

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The Ghosts of Higher Education
Current Events, Happy Holidays, A Christmas Carol Susan Chiaramonte Current Events, Happy Holidays, A Christmas Carol Susan Chiaramonte

The Ghosts of Higher Education

Not everyone in higher education holds the clout necessary to make decisions that could instantly change and improve the U.S. education system, but change doesn’t have to start big Sometimes it’s as simple as serving students well, removing unnecessary barriers, offering quality educational options, or getting involved in national and state policy-making efforts.  

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