To the Class of 2022
Each graduating class steps out into a slightly different world than did the class preceding them. This is, of course, only natural—as Heraclitus famously said, “change is the only constant in life”—but even so, the class of 2022 has had to persevere through some unique difficulties. In light of that, the EduCred Services Team wanted to, first, congratulate the tenacious class of 2022, and second, offer some pieces of advice that we wish someone had shared with us.

Pathway for Hope
When people are denied an opportunity to achieve their potential, they act out of desperation. They turn against societal norms to find a way to survive in the absence of opportunities. When we close our minds, doors, and borders, we only hurt ourselves.

Closer Than They Appear
Students’ higher education dreams are closer than they think. We tend to waste opportunities by looking back at what could have been. Dreams, like fires, take a little work to get going, they need someone to fan the flames and protect them from the wind, but once the embers begin to burn, the fire is hard to put out.

Seeking Compassion
What we need is a little more compassion. The willingness to set aside our personal fears and ignorance to better understand the pain, hurt, dreams, and hopes of others.

The Power of Hope
As we gather around to celebrate our individual beliefs, we should take time to consider our hopes for tomorrow, the new year, and future generations.

Bad Luck Number and Hope
The next time we take a look at offering new degree programs or refining our processes, we need to remember the students we serve. Our focus should be on making the journey a little easier by clearing a few more obstacles and providing support so every student knows the victory of finishing.