A Grape Resiliency
A big part of students’ success depends on how well they connect with faculty and their peers, but it also hinges on having an environment where there is freedom to make mistakes, form opinions, and engage in debate without judgment. Sometimes breaking with tradition means that we thoughtfully set the table for the students, not the other way around.

Generative AI Will Be Exactly as Scary as Higher Education Makes It
I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but AI isn’t going anywhere. Adapting to this technology will require learning something new. It will require rethinking how we teach writing. It will require revisiting plagiarism policies. But it’s worth it. Chat GPT is an opportunity for your department/institution to be early adopters. Don’t be the last school still using carrier pigeons.

“A Christmas Carol” – Hope for All Times
The ubiquity of “A Christmas Carol” is proof that its message of hope resonates with many. If we’re honest, some days we all identify a little with first-act Scrooge, yet we all have a dream to be our best selves. “A Christmas Carol” promises us that things can be better—that we can be better—if we take the time to listen and look inward.

Higher Education's Survival Guide: Lessons from Blockbuster and Apple
Here we are, approaching 2023, looking at huge and permanent changes within higher education. If your institution’s response to these trends is to hope things will be “normal again,” you should be concerned.

5 Reasons Higher Education Is Thriving Despite Challenges
We do a lot of reading here at EduCred Services, and I have a confession: when I see an article title that starts, “Higher Education is Broken,” “How to Fix Higher Ed by…,” or similar, I want to skip it.

Embracing Mistakes: The Role of Curiosity in Education
Being open to new information and discovery is how humanity progresses, even when it’s inconvenient at the time. This is the fundamental reason we need education—not to teach people to repeat information to pass examinations, but to teach them how to ask questions that allow them to conduct their own examinations.