State Licensure for Higher Education – What Does My School Need to Do?
For many just starting out in higher education (and, honestly, for many who have been here for a while), navigating the intricate web of state licensure can feel difficult. It can be kind of like doing a jigsaw puzzle with a toddler, some pieces seem to “hide from you” just when you need them most. But don't worry – our state licensure expert, Andy, knows where the pieces are hidden. Below, he has answered some of the most common questions we get about higher education state licensure.

Generative AI Will Be Exactly as Scary as Higher Education Makes It
I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but AI isn’t going anywhere. Adapting to this technology will require learning something new. It will require rethinking how we teach writing. It will require revisiting plagiarism policies. But it’s worth it. Chat GPT is an opportunity for your department/institution to be early adopters. Don’t be the last school still using carrier pigeons.

Community: A Challenge Worth Undertaking
Higher education institutions shouldn’t just offer communities, they should be communities that allow their members to focus on, reach for, and achieve their goals in an open and collaborative environment.