About Remembrance
Current Events Susan Chiaramonte Current Events Susan Chiaramonte

About Remembrance

Eighteen years later, we think terror attacks are a world away, but we face very real pain, hurt, and anger as we continue to read news on persisting racial tensions, bullying, sexual assault, and mass murders. Do we avoid confronting and responding to these important issues because they do not directly affect us? Because if it happens to one, it happens to us all.

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The Crumpled Paper Theory
Leadership Susan Chiaramonte Leadership Susan Chiaramonte

The Crumpled Paper Theory

We all know education is important to the future any society and its citizens. As institutions, we need to work at earning a trusting relationship with students. We need to let them know that we care about their needs, the challenges they face, and the dreams they want to realize. We need to focus on putting students first.

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Higher Education's Day Off
Inspiration Susan Chiaramonte Inspiration Susan Chiaramonte

Higher Education's Day Off

Students enter higher education from all walks of life. Some enter with anticipation, others enter from obligation, and still others enter with uncertainty. However, they all seek an opportunity to make their lives or the lives of their loved ones better. Since no two students have the same needs or goals, it is important that institutions take the time to understand who they are serving.

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In Your Control
Innovative Learning Susan Chiaramonte Innovative Learning Susan Chiaramonte

In Your Control

We see successful businesses and attribute their success to one overnight innovation. The truth, however, is while the innovation lit the spark, their commitment to discipline in delivering a quality, reliable product that consistently meets consumer needs is what keeps the flame burning.

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Human Leadership
Leadership Susan Chiaramonte Leadership Susan Chiaramonte

Human Leadership

Human leadership is about putting people first. Making the needs of individuals more important than the organization knowing that once people feel secure, they will put the needs of the organization first. In one word, human leadership is loyalty. Loyalty is not one-sided. Loyalty requires participation. Whether in organizations or in government positions, we cannot expect understanding if we are unwilling to understand. We cannot emphasize the needs of some when we ignore the needs of others.

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