Innovative Learning Susan Chiaramonte Innovative Learning Susan Chiaramonte


Technology has afforded higher education the ability to reach more people and the capability to remove existing barriers. The only thing holding higher education back? The true belief for change and that it can happen.

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Everything to Everybody
Innovative Learning Susan Chiaramonte Innovative Learning Susan Chiaramonte

Everything to Everybody

Higher education institutions often focus on trying to be everything to everybody. Many institutions have shifted to a big box store mentally in an effort to increase and retain students by offering a little bit of everything rather than focusing on their strengths. Students need educational options that best meet their personal and professional needs.

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The Ghosts of Higher Education
Current Events, Happy Holidays, A Christmas Carol Susan Chiaramonte Current Events, Happy Holidays, A Christmas Carol Susan Chiaramonte

The Ghosts of Higher Education

Not everyone in higher education holds the clout necessary to make decisions that could instantly change and improve the U.S. education system, but change doesn’t have to start big Sometimes it’s as simple as serving students well, removing unnecessary barriers, offering quality educational options, or getting involved in national and state policy-making efforts.  

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Through the Lens
Inspiration Susan Chiaramonte Inspiration Susan Chiaramonte

Through the Lens

The premise behind higher education was to create opportunities for individuals to pursue knowledge as an investment in our country and its citizens. It was an opportunity for a younger generation to learn from previous generations while contributing new thoughts, ideas, and perspectives. As the world continues to evolve, higher education has been slow to keep up with the needs and demands of a changing generation.  

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