Crossing The Generational Divide Through Effective Communication
Explore effective communication strategies tailored for different generations in the workplace. Learn how to engage Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z to enhance team cohesion and productivity.

Trick or Treat: The Costumed Leader
Whether you’re familiar with the term or not, you’ve met a costumed leader. You know, the person in executive management role who thinks they are leading but lacks the characteristics or tools to actually be effective in that role. They are disguised by authority, title, and position.

Dangers of Passivity
“People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.” ~ Simon Sinek

A Pirate's Life For Me
“Contrary to conventional wisdom, pirate life was orderly and honest.” ~ Peter Leeson

Taking Talent For Granted
While day-to-day operations can get in the way, leaders must foster habits that identify and protect their greatest assets: people. An organization’s talent will not always voice their concerns or share their disappointment in being taken for granted. It is up to the leaders to develop these three habits that will prevent them from losing focus on their most valuable assets.