Are you there, 2023? It’s us, EduCred Services
A New Year provides a new opportunity for reflection, intention, and perspective. As we launch into 2023 full of optimism (albeit cautious optimism, at times), we wanted to write a collaborative post where we can each share our lessons-learned and hopes for the new year.

Better Together
Rarely are great things accomplished alone. We can find successful teams all throughout history: the Wright brothers, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, Rodgers and Hammerstein, The Beatles, and the 1985 Chicago Bears (because some dreams never die). These individuals came together sharing a single vision and brought their collective talents to make a difference in the world.

For the Graduates...You Choose
All graduates will continue on a path of their choosing and change the world in their own way. That path may not resemble what they had imagined, but it is no less significant. Regardless of the obstacles that lie ahead, remember, you choose.

Using the F-Word During a Pandemic
Sometimes the solutions needed for survival are found by shutting down fear, understanding the pain that forces us to grow, and realizing that progress is not brought about by blame. In the end, it does not matter why things happened, what matters is that we respond with fortitude and never forget that we are better together.

Chasing Passion Over Profession
Every successful organization or institution is a result of its ability to positively affect other peoples’ lives through its products and services. The physical work is not as important as the fulfillment we receive as a result of our efforts. We invest our time and energy because we believe that our impact reaches beyond day-to-day operations.

In the Weeds
Since education is accountable to various state and federal regulations, students, and the public, new and innovative is quickly followed by hesitation, push-back, and skepticism. This is when leaders look to their detail-oriented team members to ensure all checks and balances are in place.