Using the F-Word During a Pandemic
Current Events Susan Chiaramonte Current Events Susan Chiaramonte

Using the F-Word During a Pandemic

Sometimes the solutions needed for survival are found by shutting down fear, understanding the pain that forces us to grow, and realizing that progress is not brought about by blame. In the end, it does not matter why things happened, what matters is that we respond with fortitude and never forget that we are better together.

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The Challenge
Inspiration Susan Chiaramonte Inspiration Susan Chiaramonte

The Challenge

Here’s the challenge, spend at least 15 minutes everyday understanding another person’s perspective—one different from your own—and use this understanding to adjust your view of the world. Let’s challenge ourselves to reach for understanding before passing down judgment.

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Soaring Among Average
Inspiration Susan Chiaramonte Inspiration Susan Chiaramonte

Soaring Among Average

Institutions spend time competing against each other instead of removing obstacles that stand in the way of more students accessing affordable education options. We need options that continue to make education accessible and affordable for everyone based on today’s student needs and expectations.

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Obstacles and Potential
Current Events Susan Chiaramonte Current Events Susan Chiaramonte

Obstacles and Potential

We convince ourselves that higher education must be broken and that the traditional model no longer works. Well, that is not entirely true. It does work, for some, but not for all, and that is the bigger issue. We tend to think of higher education as a privilege instead of a common good. We spend time experimenting with silver bullets hoping that one solution will rise above the rest and solve the higher education crisis.

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