Building Tomorrow with the Wrong People
Great vision without great people is irrelevant. ~ Jim Collins

The One About Higher Education
It is a fact that an educated society is better than an uneducated society. As humans, we have to work to overcome our faults. We have to look past the numbers and see the people. We have to scale the obstacles and see the opportunities. We have to avoid roadblocks and create paths toward progress. We have to dispel negativity and gently nudge people forward.

Pathways for Dreams
We need to provide education that does not favor one discipline over another. We do not need nurses whose real passion is theater. We do not need business managers whose real passion is painting. We need institutions that see past the conformity of the industrial approach to embrace an educational model that encourages the pursuit of passion.

Chasing Passion Over Profession
Every successful organization or institution is a result of its ability to positively affect other peoples’ lives through its products and services. The physical work is not as important as the fulfillment we receive as a result of our efforts. We invest our time and energy because we believe that our impact reaches beyond day-to-day operations.