Dangers of Passivity
“People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.” ~ Simon Sinek

A Pirate's Life For Me
“Contrary to conventional wisdom, pirate life was orderly and honest.” ~ Peter Leeson

Ripple Effect
Higher education offers people a foundation to foster thoughts and ideas that can inspire change in the world. So as we look at the issues facing higher education, we need to ask what little pebble did we toss into the water to create the tidal wave we face today.

Taking Talent For Granted
While day-to-day operations can get in the way, leaders must foster habits that identify and protect their greatest assets: people. An organization’s talent will not always voice their concerns or share their disappointment in being taken for granted. It is up to the leaders to develop these three habits that will prevent them from losing focus on their most valuable assets.

Abandoning the Details
Successful leaders do not just rely on their leadership abilities, luck, or timing. They make time to focus on the intimate details of the organization so they can plan for the future. They seek out opportunities to understand the details and create a culture of accountability so that improvements, innovation, and creativity continue to move the organization forward.