Leadership Lessons from March Madness: Teamwork, Dedication, and Greatness
We all love to see those seemingly magical Cinderella moments where everything comes together for an underdog team, but even though it seems like magic, such moments are always the result of a season of work, sacrifice, encouragement, and dedication.

Human Leadership
Human leadership is about putting people first. Making the needs of individuals more important than the organization knowing that once people feel secure, they will put the needs of the organization first. In one word, human leadership is loyalty. Loyalty is not one-sided. Loyalty requires participation. Whether in organizations or in government positions, we cannot expect understanding if we are unwilling to understand. We cannot emphasize the needs of some when we ignore the needs of others.

Dangers of Disunity
Our power is in our voice. Our strength is in our diversity. Our future is dependent on caring for people.