Celebrating Unsung Heroes: Women's History Month Spotlight
Before we say, “well-behaved women seldom make history,” on social media as a cheeky nod to the few women rule-breakers that history deigns to recognize, perhaps we should ask ourselves: why does history require “misbehavior” before it will recognize women’s achievements?

The Importance of Taking a Break
If Alexander Fleming hadn’t taken two weeks away from his lab in 1928, we wouldn’t have antibiotics…Your vacation might not result in the curing of a global disease, but at the same time, you can’t be certain that it won’t. That’s the beauty of time away; you can’t know what good will come out of it until you go.

Better Together
Rarely are great things accomplished alone. We can find successful teams all throughout history: the Wright brothers, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, Rodgers and Hammerstein, The Beatles, and the 1985 Chicago Bears (because some dreams never die). These individuals came together sharing a single vision and brought their collective talents to make a difference in the world.

For the Graduates...You Choose
All graduates will continue on a path of their choosing and change the world in their own way. That path may not resemble what they had imagined, but it is no less significant. Regardless of the obstacles that lie ahead, remember, you choose.